drug & DWI court
What is Drug Court?
Drug Court is a specialty court designed to help non-violent offenders with substance abuse problems find sobriety and recovery. Drug Court is conducted by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of members from numerous agencies, including, the District Attorney's Office, defense bar, judges, probation, mental health and social services. The Fourth Judicial District Court has Drug Court Programs available to those with alcohol and drug addiction problems. In this program, the offender must plead guilty in the regular court before transferring to the Drug Court Program. The program gives the offender access to substance abuse treatment, drug testing as well as meetings with probation officers and case managers. Regular court reviews are also required. Drug court exists to help offenders recover from addiction and succeed in their community.
If a Defendant is interested in finding more information about the Drug/DWI Court Program available in the Fourth Judicial District, serving Morehouse and Ouachita Parishes, the Defendant should communicate with his/her attoney.